Preventive Services

Preventive Services

You can help keep your pet healthy by protecting him or her against parasites. Heartworms, fleas, ticks, and other internal and external parasites are much more than just pests; they can cause life-threatening conditions in your pet—and cause severe, potentially fatal, health problems for you and your family. We will recommend a preventive regimen for your pet based on lifestyle and risk factors. We can also provide advice on keeping your whole household safe from parasitic infection. Set up an appointment with us to discuss parasite prevention, or call us to refill your pet’s medication. Protect your pet and your family today!with our Preventive Services

Flea Prevention and Control

We carry many options for flea and parasite prevention that are both safe and effective. We do not recommend many of the flea products that are available in retail stores. Some of these products can cause irritation, and are generally not effective against flea eggs and larvae that can live in our homes.

Tick Prevention

If you find a tick on your pet, the most important thing to do is remove it as soon as possible. Diseases can be transmitted in less than 12 hours of the tick biting the pet. We can most certainly assist you with tick removal, as it is best to remove the mouth parts in their entirety. Please be sure to ask us for a set of “tick twisters” next time you are in our office. These tools are good to have on hand in case you need to remove a tick.

Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm is transmitted to dogs and cats via the bite of an infected mosquito. These parasites can severely and sometimes fatally damage the heart, lungs, and blood vessels.
Treatment for heartworm infection is far more expensive than prevention—and it can have many ill-effects. There is no approved treatment for cats. Some cats spontaneously rid themselves of the infection; others might not survive it. Even one or two adult heartworms in a cat can cause serious problems.
Fortunately, there are numerous heart worm preventatives available. These products are administered once a month, and come in either an oral or topical format. Most heart worm preventatives also protect against other parasites, such as gastrointestinal worms, and fleas. We can recommend an appropriate regimen of prevention for your pet based on his/her needs.